Looking For A Recruitment Agency In Surrey?
Monday, May 9, 2016
With the Rio Olympics arriving this summer, the celebrations in London are now officially four years ago. The recession also officially ended three years ago, in 2013.
When comparing the job market then-and-now, the comparisons are extremely heartening: we currently have the highest level of employment on record, along with rising salaries and the introduction of the living wage.
Back during the 2008-2013 recession, unemployment in the UK hit 10.0% which was nearly as bad as 1983. Now it’s been slashed by half and stands at only 5.4%, which means it’s at a 10-year low. Good news for anybody looking for a new job!
Are you looking for your next opportunity this summer?
If you’re based in Surrey, Gregory Martin are one of the most trusted recruitment agencies in the county. Based in Farnham, they regularly have vacancies in many different market sectors across Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire. Their key market sectors include: IT & Communications, Engineering, Manufacturing Operations, Marketing and PR, Administration, Accounting, Recruitment, Banking & Financial Services, Government & Defence, and many more.
This recruitment agency is committed to the REC’s (Recruitment and Employment Confederation) Good Code of Practice at all times. Every member of this organisation is committed to the highest principles of ethics, equity, professional conduct and fair practice.
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click here to read our previous article.