Find a Recruitment Agency Aldershot
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Recent news reports have been hailing the return of ‘the candidate job market’. With two thirds of HR directors more willing to negotiate salaries, and more upfront negotiations in general, companies are increasingly finding themselves competing for top talent. The downside is, those on minimum wage have little faith in any of the prospective political parties to improve their prospects. Shockingly, it’s been reported 29% of job hunters feel none of the parties are likely to help. Needless to say, numerous people will try looking elsewhere to improve their situation.
For support and assistance during your job search, it’s best to find a good recruitment agency. With a thorough understanding of the current job market and economic climate, they will find the best possible vacancies for you.
If you’re looking to find a recruitment agency in Aldershot, consider Gregory Martin. Based in Farnham, they specialise in permanent career appointments for those from graduate to director level. As members of the REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation), they strictly adhere to its code of Good Recruitment Practice.
Gregory Martin have a thorough knowledge and understanding of all the market sectors they cover, which include: Aerospace & Defence, Communications, Information Development, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Research & Development, Process Industries, and Technical & Scientific.
Get in touch today.