Looking For A Recruitment Agency In Fleet, Hampshire?

Monday, July 26, 2021

Working with job seekers throughout Fleet and the surrounding areas, Gregory Martin has exciting opportunities in various market sectors.

Job vacancies have soared over the past few months, as the country has been opened up again. This has meant several staff shortages in many industries. Last month, there were 200,000 vacancies opening in one week, testifying to the level of demand in the UK.

Many candidates have been put off resuming their job search to the levels of uncertainty. You might have suspected the search a year ago and been concerned about looking for a new opportunity in the current climate.

However, with vacancies on the rise and infections largely falling, now is a great time to seize the opportunity.

It’s currently what’s known as ‘a workers’ market’ which means that job seekers are the ones who have more control. So much so, many businesses are offering better incentives to attract the right clients, including higher starting salaries.

Find your next role with Gregory Martin this summer.

Located in Fleet, Hampshire, this REC approved recruitment agency works hard to connect candidates with the right roles. It’s quick and easy to register your CV confidentially on their website.

Whether you’re looking for jobs in the engineering or sales and marketing sectors, they would love to hear from you.

If you’re looking for a recruitment agency in Hampshire, don’t forget to discover more about their latest vacancies.